May 2019 (Not) Shopping Diary
Just a quick check in on my consumption in May. I bought only one thing this month.
Just a quick check in on my consumption in May. I bought only one thing this month.
I was very good about not consuming much in the first three months of the year. April, though, is another story.
I’m sliding back into my old habit of indulging in retail therapy when I’m feeling a little down. Time to make a wish list and stick to it.
Happy new year, dear readers. 2018 marked my second year of blogging, chronicling the objects I love, the things I wanted to that didn’t work out, and also my attempts to be a more conscious consumer.
2018 marked my second year into trying to shop much less. I’ve kept a log of almost every piece of clothing I’ve bought over the past 8 years. So, how did I do?
One thing I write about in my About page is how this blog is about my struggle between loving stuff and my desire to pare down. I hardly ever write about it, so I guess today’s the day I do.
Happy new year, readers! As I look back on 2017 — my first year of blogging — I wanted to share the most popular Welcome Objects posts for the year. These are the five posts that received the most views.