All posts filed under: Latest

two wedding bands on a white background

Setting Priorities for Your Wedding Budget (or, realizing your wedding isn’t special)

Last year around this time, I was putting the final touches on my wedding. We had a lovely ceremony under a canopy of trees with 110 guests. I’ve gotten a lot of questions from friends about wedding planning since I’m quite organized and thrifty-minded, so I thought I’d write a few posts and share what I’ve learned while it’s relatively fresh in my mind.

Closeup of blue jeans with Holé button cover.

Holé Button Cover Review

Earlier this year, I reviewed some Everlane T-shirts and noticed that one of them had a small hole at the bottom in the front. This is not the first time a shirt has developed a hole in this area. Perhaps it had something to do with my jeans. Was the button on my jeans rubbing my T-shirt? Well, there’s a solution for that. A company out of the UK called Holé makes silicone button covers.

side by side photos of me, a petite woman, wearing a short sleeve floral shift dress, and a maroon anorak

Fitting Room Review: A New Day at Target

Earlier this week, I shared my general impressions about Target’s new clothing lines: A New Day for women and Goodfellow & Co. for men. Now, for the fitting room review! For each item, I’m presenting the stock photo from the website next to my fitting room selfie, just for shits and giggles. For reference, the models are 5′ 9″ and I’m 5′ 3.” The models are also undoubtedly airbrushed and I am definitely not.